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Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!


Support our site! If you would like to support this web site please click the Donate button below. Donations can be made by PayPal, or with a regular credit card if you do not have a PayPal account.  We have paid for this site and the URL for a year.  Donations will help us extend.  Our goal is to extend this site for 10 years (the maximum) and then another 10. 


•   Tony Tuliano  5/1
•   Glenn Lawson  7/24
•   Leon St. Jean (St Jean)  11/1
•   Susan Kopp  4/9
•   Anita Porter  3/7
•   Helen Pantuso  8/13
•   David Amerine  8/6
•   Martha Bogan (Fay)  5/30
•   Bruce Wheeler  1/15
•   Charles Goodsell  8/1
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Who lives where - click links below to find out.

3 live in Arizona
1 lives in Arkansas
10 live in California
43 live in Connecticut
17 live in Florida
2 live in Georgia
3 live in Illinois
2 live in Indiana
1 lives in Maryland
3 live in Massachusetts
1 lives in Minnesota
1 lives in Montana
2 live in Nevada
3 live in New Jersey
3 live in New York
3 live in North Carolina
2 live in Pennsylvania
1 lives in South Carolina
1 lives in Tennessee
2 live in Texas
1 lives in Vermont
5 live in Virginia
1 lives in Washington
182 location unknown

Newtown High School
Class Of 1976

Welcome to the Newtown High Class of 1976 website!  Please register and fill us in on what you've been up to the past (ahem) number of years!  This site will be a way to chat, catch up, keep in touch, and plan reunions. And please pass this URL along to anyone from our class that you are in touch with.  We'd love to get as many of our classmates here as possible.  If you have any news about any of our classmates passing away, please email the site with whatever information you have so we can update their listing here. For information on those we've lost, check out the "In Memory" page and the "Teachers We've Lost" page.

Please think about using the forum, updating your info, adding photos - let's try and make this be a great place to stay in touch!



Please put the date of your announcement at the beginning so we can all see when something was posted.  Thanks!

February 21, 2024

Mr. Robert Hamilton, history teacher and later chair of the high school history department, passed away on February 6, 2025.

Posted February 7, 2017

Sorry to report that Mr. Olbrys passed away on February 4, 2017 from an aggressive form of cancer. Many of us had him for biology, for driver's ed, or as a sports team coach. He and his wife Diane joined us 2 years ago at a small Newtown get-together at Sue Jones Higley's home near Orlando, and he was still the same feisty, funny guy.

JULY 30, 2015

Hey guys, it's one year to go for our 40th reunion! After the Great Newtown Reunion in 2013 I'm sure a lot of us would like to get together. Panacea (which evolved into Woodwind Clejj, Emily Band, and Voices, all of which played around town during our school years) is actually planning a big Newtown Reunion for Sunday, September 4, 2016. It would be awesome if we could plan our class reunion to cooincide with that! Maybe something Saturday/Saturday night for just us, then the bigger get-together on Sunday.

Anyone interested in helping plan? I'm in Florida so can't do much, but I'm willing to help as much as I can!


JULY 27, 2015

Frank Slinko passed away on July 24, 2015. I'm sure many of us had him for class. Here is the obituary from the Bee: